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Communication Skills for Business (CSB) Certification

Communication Skills for Business (CSB) Certification

Certiport offers the following certifications for Communication Skills for Business (CSB):

1. CSB Professional Communication Exam

With communication skills consistently being one of the top skills desired by employers in new hires, Certiport created the Communication Skills for Business (CSB) Professional Communication exam certification.

The CSB exam validates that candidates entering the workforce understand key communication principles and skills that are necessary to be effective in a work environment. While the key skill being measured is communication, the nature of this exam will also help students with the other 3 of “the 4 C’s”:

  • - Critical thinking - which will happen as they think through how to effectively communicate
  • - Collaboration - which will stem from effectively communicating with others
  • - Creativity - which is required to present appealing communications

An individual earning this certification has had approximately 150 hours of instruction and hands-on experience in formal communication theory and practice.

CSB Certification Exam Objectives

The CSB certification exam is a 50-minute exam with approximately 35-50 questions covering the following objectives:

  • 1. Describe basic communication principles
  • 2. Plan for effective communication
  • 3. Apply best practices for creating business deliverables
  • 4. Deliver your message
  • 5. Receive communications
  • 6. Analyze communication scenarios

2. CSB English for IT

In the world today, the majority of English speakers are non-native speakers. In fact, for every native English speaker there are five nonnative English speakers, and 96% of the conversations happening all around the world involve non-native English speakers. For this reason, it is important to use plain English in order to communicate effectively. Also, since 80% of the information stored in the world’s computers is in English, and since English is the world’s technology language, it is necessary to learn a form of English that is technical but simple.

Recognizing the importance of English proficiency in both IT and non-IT careers, Certiport, a Pearson VUE Business, created the English for IT certification exam. The English for IT exam validates a candidate’s ability to work in an IT setting or in an entry-level IT job using English. It tests knowledge of English competence in an IT-related environment, and also measures:

  • - Listening - A skilled listener can hear between the lines and help people work through questions, issues and problems related to information technology projects.
  • - Reading – Whether it’s understanding a client’s specifications, or searching for a solution to a problem online, it is essential to be able to read in English at a high level.
  • - Use of English - Use of English refers to the conventional ways in which words or phrases are used, spoken or written in an IT-related environment.

The targeted proficiency level for candidates taking this exam is B2 in the CEFR and 59-75 in the Global Scale of English. In order to prepare for the English for IT certification, candidates have access to practice tests, as well as an entire learning course dedicated to the English for IT certification, which covers everything in the exam. To earn this certification, a candidate needs about 150 hours of instruction and/or hands-on experience in English competence in an IT-related environment.

CSB English for IT Objectives

The English for IT certification exam is a 80-minute exam with approximately 60 questions covering the following objectives:

  • 1. Use of English
  • 2. Listening
  • 3. Reading