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Consultancy services with regard to issuing Residence Permit for foreign nationals is one of the most important services provided by HIRMIZY GROUP. Our institution, which assists foreigners at every moment of the legal application process to obtain a residence permit, successfully manages the residence permit application process. In Turkey, a healthy application process to obtain a residence permit for foreign nationals is very important. Our institution, with its professional team, is supporting you in every step of the registration process to ensure you a healthy application process.

As HIRMIZY GROUP, we aim at completing your applications as soon as possible by providing you two-year private health insurance that is necessary for two-year residence permit procedures. Besides, we assist people to start the extension procedures two months before the end of their residence permit and to conclude it positively.

  • Those with a temporary permit will be able to enter or leave the country as being exempted from visa permit. Foreign nationals who want to stay in Turkey with their residence permit longer are able to extend their permits at the provincial government office that they are residing without leaving the country if they are still meeting the requirements for residence permit after expiration of their residence permit.  Or, if the conditions for another residence permit are met, a foreign national can switch to a residence permit regarding its new condition.      
  • According to the regulation by Foreigners and International Protection Law No. 6458, accompaniment application has been abolished and the application and permit document of each foreigner will be issued separately.      
  • Another regulation brought by the Law No. 6458 is that the work permit is a replacement of for residence permit. Under Article 27 of the Law, if a foreign national obtain a work permit, the person do not need to get a residence permit and can stay in Turkey on the duration of work permit.





Short-term residence permit procedures are issued as Foreigner Residence Permit in Articles 31 and 33 under the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458. A short term Foreign Residence Permit is also regulated in Articles 28 and 29 under the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6428.

Who Can Get Short Term Residence Permit?

  • Foreign nationals, who want to obtain a short-term Foreign Residence Permit, are required to provide the approval of scientific research provided by related institutions of the scientific project (Culture and Tourism Ministry, Energy Ministry, universities, etc.). In case, the person cannot provide any document regarding their research, s/he is required to to submit a statement regarding the research subject.         
  • If a foreign national with an immovable property requests a Foreing Residence Permit, the immovable must be a residence and be used for this purpose. Family members can also apply for a residence permit in this context if their family members have a shared or joint ownership right on the property.         
  • Residence permits granted for this purpose are issued during the program based on the information and documents on the content, duration, and location of the training provided by the institution or organization that will provide in-service training.      
  • For this purpose, foreign nationals who want to obtain Foreign Residence Permit are requested to submit the information and document to be obtained from the relevant institution.      
  • Foreign Residence Permit duration cannot exceed the duration of the training or similar purpose.     
  • Students, who came within the scope of student exchange programs (Erasmus, Mevlana, Farabi, etc.) and already applied for a general health insurance within three months starting from the first registration date, are not requested to apply for further health insurance.
  • For this purpose, the declaration of the foreign nationals, who have requested a Foreign Residence Permit regarding the travel plans (such as where, when and for how long to stay in the country), is evaluated. If deemed necessary, it may be requested to provide information or documents.      
  • To this end, the public or private hospital admissions of foreign nationals coming to Turkey are sought. Health insurance condition is not required from those who document that they have paid all treatment costs.      
  • Foreign Residence Permits are arranged following the duration of treatment.      
  • During the treatment, for those whose shelter, subsistence expenses related to health covered by public institutions and agencies, health insurance requirement applies to the determination of the possibility of financial possibility is not required.      
  • If necessary, information or documents related to the treatment of foreign nationals may be requested from the relevant hospital or public institution and organization.      
  • Under the scope of existing Health Cooperation agreements, the residence permit procedures for hospital attendants of foreign nationals who come to Turkey for treatment (is there is no separate provision regarding the hospital attendants in the agreement) are carried out according to the general provisions.
  • Also, according to Article 14 of the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359, there is no requirement for valid health insurance for foreign nationals coming to our country from their hospital attendants who do not exceed two persons.      
  • For those who are requested to stay in Turkey following the decisions of administrative or judicial authorities, the duration of residence permit is issued in accordance with the specified or requested duration.
  • Those, who do not meet the family residence permit conditions, will obtain a short-term residence permit.
  • Foreign nationals, who will attend to Turkish learning courses and are registered in an institution authorized to give Turkish course (must get a permission from the Ministry of National Education), are permitted to get Foreign Residence Permit twice at most upon request.   
  • If the course duration is less than a year, the residence permit duration cannot exceed the course duration. The institution giving the course is obliged to inform about the start date and continuation of the course the provincial directorate of the foreigners who have registered for learning Turkish.
  • Duration of foreign residence permit for the foreign nationals, who are planning to stay in Turkey for the purpose of research, training, internship, and education through public institutions, cannot exceed one year. For those whose shelter, subsistence expenses related to health covered by public institutions and agencies, health insurance requirement applies to the determination of the possibility of financial possibility is not required. Information and documents may be requested from institutions.      
  • For foreign nationals, who graduated from a higher education institution in Turkey and request a foreign residence permit within six months from the date of graduation, can be granted a maximum of one-year residence permit only once.
  • Foreign nationals, who do not work in Turkey but are planning to invest within the scope and amount specified by the Council of Ministers, and their foreign partners, their or partners’ foreign children who minor or dependent, can be granted a maximum of five years upon request. Through the amendments under Law No. 6735 of the International Labour Law, it was aimed at encouraging investments that will contribute to the national economy and making the process of obtaining foreign residence permit easier.

How many years can the Short-Term Residence Permit be issued?

Short-term residence permits can be issued for a maximum of two years each time, except for foreign nationals who hold the conditions for 13th and 14th above.

What are the Short-Term Residence Permit Conditions? 

To issue a short-term residence permit, foreign nationals must meet the conditions stipulated in article 32 of the Law.

  • to submit supporting information and documents about the purpose of your stay in Turkey, 
  • not being within the scope of Article 7,
  • having accommodation conditions following general health and safety standards, 
  • If requested, to present a document showing a criminal record issued by the competent authorities of the country in which he/she is a citizen or legally residing, 
  • to give the address information will remain in Turkey.

What are the reasons for Short-Term Residence Permit Rejection, Cancellation or Non-Extension?

  • One or more of the conditions sought for a short-term residence permit have not been met or disappeared, 
  • Determining that the residence permit is used for the purposes other than residence permit purposes
  • There is a valid deportation or prohibition decision to enter the country,  
  • In case of violation in terms of the duration of stay abroad, short-term residence permits are not granted in case of such cases, they are canceled if they are granted; the ones whose duration is expired are not extended.



Who Are Foreigners With Family Residence Permit?

Turkish citizens, those covered by Article 28 of Law No. 5901, or foreigners and refugees who have one of their residence permits and secondary protection status holders;

a) To a foreign spouse,
b) To her/his or her/his spouse's minor foreign child,
c) To her or her spouse's dependent foreign child can be issued a residence permit.

In case a foreign national who requests a family residence permit has more than one spouse, only one of the spouses can have a family residence permit. However, all of children of the foreign national may be granted a family residence permit.

If the cases of residence permit for children there should consent of the child’s mother or father have common custody of the child outside the country.

The family residence permit provides the right of education until the age of eighteen in primary and secondary education institutions without obtaining a student residence permit.

Foreign nationals who have a family residence permit can request short-term residence permits if: 

  • In the event of a divorce, he/she is married to a Turkish citizen and has been staying with a family residence permit for at least three years (for foreign national who proves the existence of domestic violence at the court, the condition of staying with residence permit for at least three years is not requested),
  • Those who have stayed with a family residence permit for at least three years in our country have completed the age of eighteen.

How many years can the family residence permit be issued?

  • The family residence permit can be issued up to three years each time.
  • The duration of the family residence permit cannot exceed the duration of the sponsor's residence permit.

What are the Conditions of Family Residence Permit? 

For a family residence permit to be issued, foreigners must meet the conditions in article 35 of the Law.

  • Meet the requirements set on a sponsor (the sponsor; valid health insurance covering all their family members, monthly to have income not less than one-third of the minimum wage per capita, in the last five years, the criminal record that he had committed crimes against the family in order documentation, less than a year Turkey residing in Turkey and registered in the address registration system)
  • To meet the requirements sought in those who request family residence permit to stay with the sponsor,
  • To present supporting information and documents for stay in our country, to reveal that they live or intend to live with the specified persons, spouses have turned eighteen years of age, they do not fall within the scope of article 7 of the aforementioned Law, marriage has not been made to obtain a family residence permit)

What are the reasons for Family Residence Permit Denial, Cancellation or Non-Extension?

  • Failure or disappearance of the conditions sought for the family residence permit, 
  • Determining that the family residence permit is used for the purposes other than family residence permit purposes, 
  • If there is valid deportation or prohibition decision to enter the country, the family residence permit is not granted in such cases, it is canceled if it has been given; the expired ones are not extended.



Who Are The Foreigners Who Can Be Issued For A Foreign Student Residence Permit?

  • Foreign nationals who do not have a residence permit with a family residence permit (foreign nationals who have a family residence permit at primary and secondary education level can continue their education without the need of obtaining a residence permit until the age of 18. However, students who have completed 18 and continue their education at the secondary level of education is required to obtain a residence permit. ).
  • In our country, a student residence permit can be issued to foreign nationals who will study at the level of associate, bachelor, master, doctorate, Medical Specialty Education, Dentistry Specialization Education in a higher education institution.

Student residence permit only gives the student's spouse and children the right to be supportive in family residence permit applications. It does not provide any right to other relatives to obtain a residence permit.

How many years can the student residence permit be issued?

If the foreign student's education period is less than one year, the student residence permit cannot exceed the education period.

Foreign nationals, who come through public organizations and institutions for study, are granted a residence permit during their education.

Foreign nationals who will receive primary and secondary education, whose care and expenses are undertaken by a real or legal person, may be granted and extended a student residence permit for one year, during their education, with the consent of their parents or legal representatives.

What are the Student Residence Permit Conditions?

Foreign nationals are required to meet the conditions specified in Article 39 to obtain a residence permit.

  • to declare supporting information and decisions related to their stay in Turkey (Article 38),
  • to not be within the scope of Article 7,
  • to provide the residence address in Turkey

Health Insurance for Student Residence Permit:

According to the provisions of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law, foreign students who request to have general health insurance within three months from the first registration date are not required to have private health insurance separately. However, those who lose their right to have general health insurance by not applying within three months from the date of registration, are asked to have private health insurance. 

Procedures for Higher Education Students to Change University, Faculty or Departments: 

The current residence permit remains valid, provided that the student is not interrupted in the same educational institution and the institution change in the same province with the change of faculty or department, and that the student is notified in due time. If the residence permit is shorter than the education period, it is extended as long as the education period from the date the permit expires. In the case of continuing education in a different city, the current residence permit is cut by the provincial government to continue education and a residence permit is issued for the new education period. 

The Right to Work for Foreign Students:

Students who are in formal education to obtain pre-degree, undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. in Turkey can work after obtaining a job permit. However, the right to work for the associate and undergraduate students begins after the first year. Work permit applications are made to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. 

What are the reasons for Student Residence Permit Denial, Cancellation or Non-Extension?

  • Failure to meet or disappear the conditions for a student residence permit,
  • The emergence of evidence that he cannot continue his education,
  • Determining that the student residence permit is used outside the purpose of the student residence permit,
  • In case of a valid deportation or prohibition order from entering to country, a short-term residence permit is not issued, it will be canceled if it is given, the exceed permits will not be extended.



Who are the Foreigners with whom a Long Term Residence Permit can be issued?

  • Foreign nationals, who stayed in Turkey for at least eight years with a residence permit or who meet the conditions issued by Migration Policy Council, can be granted a long term residence permit by the provincial government with the approval of the Ministry.
  • Refugees, conditional refugees, and holders of secondary protection status and humanitarian residence permits and temporary protection are not entitled to transition to long-term residence permits.

How Many Years Can a Long-Term Residence Permit be Issued?

The long term residence permit is issued indefinitely.

What are the Conditions for Long-Term Residence Permit?

To be able to issue long-term Foreigner Residence Permit, foreign nationals must meet the conditions specified in article 43 of the Law.  

  • Residence for at least eight years in Turkey with a residence permit (Calculation of eight years residence, half of the student residence permit and for others, all of the years of residence permit are taken into account)
  • Not having received social assistance within the last three years,
  • Having sufficient and regular income to provide for the livelihood of himself/herself or, if any, his/her family
  • To have valid health insurance,
  • Not threatening public order or public security (Except foreign nationals deemed appropriate by the Migration Policy Council)

Long-term residents (living) rights provided by the permit:

Long-term residents can enjoy the rights entitled to Turkish citizens, except obligatory military service, the right to be elected and elect, obtaining a position in the public sector, importing exempted vehicles, and regulations in the private law.

What are the Reasons for Long Term Residence (Residence) Permit Rejection, Cancellation or Non-Extension?

  • Foreigners pose a serious threat to public order or public safety,
  • In case of health, education and essential public services outside the country without interruption for more than a year outside of Turkey, the long-term residence permit will be canceled.

The cancellation of the long-term residence permit is carried out by the governorships.

Applications by foreign nationals whose long-term residence permit has been canceled:

Canceled long-term residence permits for repeat applications are made to embassies abroad and provincial government or according to the procedures issued by the General Directorate within the country. In repeat applications with eight years of residence, staying in the country condition is not requested and these applications are concluded within one month at the latest. Foreign nationals whose long-term residence has been cancelled due to staying abroad for more than one year except for health, education, obligatory service within their country or for duty, can apply for retaking the long-term residence permit.



In Foreign Residence Permit procedures; humanitarian residence permit has been regulated in Articles 46 and 47 of the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection. Also, in the 44th article of the Regulation on the Implementation of Foreigners and International Protection Law, a humanitarian residence permit has been issued. 

Who Are The Foreigners Who Can Arrange Humanitarian Residence Permission?

  • When it is a matter of a child’s best interests,
  • When it is not possible or convenient to leave Turkey or unable to make them exit Turkey, even though there is a deportation or entrance prohibition to Turkey
  • When there is no decision to expel the foreign national under Article 55 of the Law,
  • When there is a jurisdiction application against the procedures applied under Article 53, Article 72 and Article 77,
  • During the process of the applicant's return to the first asylum or safe third country,
  • For foreign nationals, who are allowed to enter and stay in Turkey due to emergency reasons or the reasons to protect the national interest, public order and public security, when there are circumstances that will not allow obtaining a residence permit
  • In extraordinary conditions, a humanitarian residence permit can be issued.

How many years can the humanitarian residence permit be issued?

A humanitarian residence permit can be issued and extended by the governorships for a maximum of one year provided that the Ministry's approval is obtained.

What are the Conditions for Humanitarian Residence Permit? 

In humanitarian residence permits, the conditions for granting other residence permits are not requested.

What are the Reasons for Humanitarian Residence Permission Denial, Cancellation or Non-Extension?

The humanitarian residence permit, provided that the approval of the Ministry is obtained, is canceled and will not be extended by the governorships when the conditions that require the permission are removed,

Other Issues Regarding Humanitarian Residence Permit:

Foreign nationals who obtain a humanitarian residence permit must register to the address registration system no later than twenty business days from the date of permission. Persons who have a humanitarian residence permit can apply for one of the other residence permits they fulfill, except for the long-term residence permit. The periods spent with a humanitarian residence permit are not taken into account in the collection of residence permit periods stipulated in the Law.



In Foreign Residence Permit procedures; 6458 No. Foreigners and International Protection Law Article 48 and Article 49 of human trafficking victims, foreing residence permit is issued. Residence permit for human trafficking victims is regulated in Article 45 and Article 46 of the Regulation on the Implementation of International Protection Act.

Who Are The Foreigners Who Can Be Issued For Residence Permit For Victims Of Trafficking?

Foreign nationals, who have a strong suspicion that they are or may be victims of human trafficking, are issued a residence permit for human trafficking victims.

What is the Duration of Residence Permit for Victim of Trafficking?

Victim of Human trafficking victim residence permit is issued by the governorships for thirty days term. Issued victims of human trafficking residence permit can be extended to six months but these extensions cannot exceed three years in total.

What are the Conditions of Residence Permit for Victim of Human Trafficking? 

The conditions for granting other residence permits are not requested in the residence permit for victims of human trafficking.

What are the Reasons for Victims of Human Trafficking Residence Permit Rejection, Cancellation, or Non-Extension?

  • A determination that the foreign national has re-bonded with the perpetrators of the crime by his initiative
  • Failure to comply with the obligations brought,
  • In cases where it is understood that the foreign national is not a victim, a victim of human trafficking residence permit is canceled. However, the residence permit is not canceled if it is determined that the counted situations are out of its will due to reasons such as coercion, intimidation, violence, and threat.


To benefit from the consultancy services that our company provides with regard to obtaing health insurance policy and Residence Permit, you can fill out the relevant application form from the link below and send it to us:

Form for Obtaining Health Insurance and Residence Permit for Foreigners